School Life

Auxiliary Programs

Bayside Academy is proud to offer a robust selection of educational and enrichment activities during the school day and outside of school hours. These various opportunities complement our curriculum and provide exceptional experiences for our students. Register here.

Questions? Contact Marilee Propst at

Marilee Propst, Director of Auxiliary Programs

Bayside offers a wide variety of programs designed to enrich the lives of our students beyond the classroom. Activities are available to encourage students to explore their interests and talents in the fields of art, music, STEM, and drama in addition to sessions that engage the students in activities to help build healthy bodies and establish healthy habits.

List of 3 items.

  • Extended Day

    Extended Day begins at dismissal time and is open until 5:30 p.m.

    We offer two levels of participation:
    Full-Time Service: $2500.00 per year, per child
    Drop-In Service: $30.00 per day, per child

    For more detailed information on Bayside's Extended Day program, please visit CampBrain.
  • Enrichment Classes

    Dance Classes with Zoe Lombard-Todd (Grades PK3–8)
    Ballet (Grades PK3–8) and jazz (Grades 3–8) are once again offered with Ms. Zoe, who has been teaching dance at Mobile Ballet for more than 25 years and at Bayside for more than 20 years; additionally, she is the owner and director of Creative Outlet Dance Academy in downtown Fairhope. Click on the registration link to view specific information for each class offering. Register now. 

    Piano Lessons with Amy Morgan (Grades 1–12)
    Private piano lessons with Mrs. Morgan are being scheduled for students who participated in her program during the 2022–23 school year, but Mrs. Morgan will not be able to schedule new students at this time.

    If you are interested in private music lessons outside of school hours, please contact the following local music services who will help direct you to available music teachers in our area:
    The Studio in Daphne - 251.616.0828
    Bay Music in Fairhope - 251.517.7636
  • Offerings by Day

    All sessions are from 3:15–4:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.



Fourth Quarter Admiral Afternoons Offerings

List of 14 items.

  • Afternoon Athletic Games

    Participants will have great fun with Ms. Fendley and Mrs. Collins in an exciting 6-week program filled with a variety of physical activities designed to enhance gross motor skills and build self-confidence in a fun and supportive environment. All skill levels are welcome. Get ready for plenty of field day-style relay games on the Bayside bluff! Register now.
    Who: Grades 1–4 
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Thursdays, March 27–May 8
    Where: Bayside Bluff/SAC
    Cost: $225
  • Animals in Action

    Join Mrs. Pardue for an exciting time! Children will explore the animal kingdom, learning about a variety of animals—from furry forest friends to creatures of the deep sea. Each week, we will dive into animal-themed art, whip up tasty animal-inspired snacks, and read awesome animal stories. It's the perfect time for little animal lovers to discover, create, and have fun while learning all about the amazing creatures that share our world! Register now.
    Who: PK3–2nd grade
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Mondays, March 24–May 5
    Where: ES Room 104
    Cost: $245
  • Art Adventures

    Come paint and create with Mrs. Noble! During this quarter, students will continue expanding their imaginations as they become more confident and create displayable art pieces. Everyone will explore many visual art mediums such as drawing, painting, and mixed media. Each week, students will be guided through the creative process as ideas will be transformed from conception to completion. Register now. 
    Who: Grades 1–5
    3:15–4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 18–April 29
    Where: LS art room
    Cost: $245
  • Comic Creations

    Unleash your imagination and become a comic book creator with Ms. Iliff. Students will bring their own stories to life through comics as they explore the basic elements of comic book writing. We'll experiment with simple drawing techniques to show action and emotion in characters, work with comic panels, and discuss plot ideas. No drawing experience needed, just bring your ideas and enthusiasm! Register now.
    Who: Grades 3 & 4
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Thursdays, March 27–May 8
    Where: Mitchell Hall room 114
    Cost: $245
  • Godly Play: Jesus Loves Me

    Godly Play lessons will be adapted to convey the love of Jesus for his precious children with the goal of helping children experience the mystery of God, as well as finding joy and wonder in His marvelous creations and the many blessings in the world around us. A portion of these proceeds will be designated for a “shade project” for the Early School play area as approved by Bayside Academy. Register now. 
    Who: PK3–1st grade
    3:15–4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, March 26–May 7
    Where: ES Room 104
    Cost: $245
  • Innovate and Discover

    Children will explore engineering, art, and science during this dynamic session with Ms. Patterson as they engage in fun activities together and discover their creative possibilities. Register now.
    Who: PK3–2nd grade 
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 25–May 6
    Where: Early School
    Cost: $245
  • LEGO WEDO 2.0 Robotics & Programming

    Learn how to program LEGO WEDO 2.0 robots with Ms. Robles in a fun and collaborative setting. Register now.
    Who: Grades 1–5
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Thursdays, March 27–May 8
    Where: Early School
    Cost: $245
  • Little Atelier

    Students will craft captivating projects through the dynamic realms of collage, mixed media, and sculptural art with Mrs. Asmus. Young artists will explore endless possibilities, transforming their visions into tangible masterpieces. Register now.
    Who: Grades PK3–2
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Mondays, March 24–May 5
    Where: Early School
    Cost: $245
  • Numbers, Games, and Logic

    Join Ms. Iliff for an afternoon of math games and strategies designed to strengthen number sense, develop fact fluency, build critical thinking skills, and grow confidence. This session is designed to both support and challenge third and fourth grade students of all levels in the areas of mental math, number sense, and critical thinking through a variety of games, puzzles, and strategies. All are welcome; all will grow; and all will feel successful! Register now. 
    Who: Grades 3 & 4
    3:15–4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 25–May 6
    Where: Mitchell Hall room 114
    Cost: $245
  • Pottery

    Ms. Robles encourages children to explore the world of hand-building pottery and create ceramics. There are always new creations to add to collections which can be treasured for a lifetime. Register now.
    Who: PK–4th grade
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Mondays, March 24–May 5
    Where: Early School
    Cost: $250
  • Puppetry for Performance

    This session is for students who have had an introduction to puppetry and who are interested in performing for a young audience. At the end of the session, we will partner with ES and LS classes to perform our shows for them! Register now. 
    Who: Grades 5–8 
    3:15–4:50 p.m. on Wednesdays, March 26–May 7
    Where: Pilot Center MS drama classroom
    Cost: $165
  • Sparkle & Shine

    Join Mrs. Pardue for weekly fun as we dive into crafts using all things sparkly, from glittery masterpieces to rainbow-inspired creations. We'll read uplifting stories, build friendships, and celebrate what makes each girl unique. It's all about spreading kindness, building self-confidence, and having the best time ever! Get ready for giggles, glitter, and endless fun as we sparkle inside and out. Register now.
    Who: Girls in PK3–1st grade
    When: 3:15–4:30 p.m. on Thursdays, March 27–May 8
    Where: ES Room 104
    Cost: $245
  • Tech & Tinker: A STEAM Exploration

    From coding DASH robots to creating circuit-powered artwork, this camp is all about innovation and creativity. Students will explore basic programming, design with electric circuits, and use engineering skills to build interactive projects with Mrs. Dunn. A perfect mix of hands-on tech and artistic expression! Register now.
    Who: Grades 1–4
    3:15–4:30 p.m. on Mondays, March 24–May 5
    Where: LS Science Lab
    Cost: $245
  • What's Cooking?

    Children will explore new recipes while wearing their special chef hats as they cook up some fun with Ms. Etheredge during this exciting time together! Please advise of your child's food allergies. Register now.
    Who: PK–3rd grade
    3:15–4:30 p.m. Tuesdays, March 25–May 6 OR Thursdays, March 27–May 8
    Where: ES Room 110
    Cost: $245

Meet the Auxiliary Programs Team

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Marilee Propst

    Marilee Propst 

    Director of Auxiliary Programs
    (251) 338-6390
© 2020 Bayside Academy All Rights Reserved